Kāpēc Sertificēties?

Sākumlapa / Sertificēšana / Kāpēc Sertificēties?

Ir daudzi iemesli, kādēļ iegūt oficiālu IIA sertifikātu. Vai tas būtu vispārīgais profesionālisma apliecinājums – Sertificēts iekšējais auditors (Certified Internal Auditor – CIA) – vai kāds no mūsu specifiskajiem nozares sertifikātiem, sertifikāta iegūšana norāda uz īpašnieka profesionālismu, prasmēm un augsto zināšanu līmeni.

Iegūt sertifikātu nozīmē iegūt atslēgu uz plašo iespēju pasauli, ko piedāvā iekšējā audita profesija. Tas var atvērt Jūsu priekšā durvis, par kuru eksistenci Jūs nemaz nezinājāt, jo 3 vai 4 burti, kas sekos Jūsu vārdam, būs nopietns Jums piemītošas ekspertīzes apliecinājums.

Kopumā, sertifikāta iegūšana:

  • Palīdzes Jums iegūt uzticamību un cieņu Jūsu nozarē;
  • Pavērs plašākas izaugsmes iespējas;
  • Palielinās Jūsu peļņas potenciālu līdz pat 40%*;
  • Apliecinās Jūsu vēlmi investēt Jūsu profesionālajā izaugsmē;
  • Apliecinās Jūsu nodošanos profesijai;
  • Uzlabos Jūsu audita prasmes un zināšanas;°
  • Radīs pārliecību par Jūsu profesionālajām zināšanām.

 * Saskaņā ar IIA 2012.gada Iekšējā audita atlagojuma pētījumu (Pētījumu), vidējā darba alga auditoriem, kas ieguvuši CIA sertifikātu, ir līdz pat 40% nekā kolēģiem, kuriem šī sertifikāta nav.  

Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®)

The CIA is the only globally accepted designation for internal auditors and the standard by which individuals demonstrate their professionalism in internal auditing. Moreover, earning the CIA designation is more than just proof of what you know and what you’ve achieved — it’s the best way for auditing professionals to communicate to the world that they are prepared to meet today’s challenges.

Earning the CIA designation is a valuable accomplishment and a professional advantage for auditors at all stages of their careers, including chief audit executives, audit managers, audit staff, and risk management staff, as well as students enrolled in an accounting or other business or financial degree program.

Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership® (QIAL®)

Growth and change in the internal auditing field are demanding a new type of leader. The QIAL program teaches highly transferable skills with an emphasis on how these skills coalesce around the qualities of audit executives and experienced instructors.

The CCSA is a recognized professional designation for CSA practitioners at any CSA experience level who are responsible for driving organizational change. Understanding key concepts like risk and control models enables CSA practitioners from all backgrounds to master the techniques that are vital to helping companies achieve their objectives. Just as important, earning the CCSA is a great way to help you achieve your objectives as you seek to move forward in your career.

Certified Financial Services Auditor® (CFSA®)

The CFSA is a valued specialty certification for audit professionals working in banking institutions, thrift/savings and loan organizations, credit unions, insurance companies, security and commodity services, holding and investment companies, credit agencies, financial services regulatory agencies, and other financial services organizations. If your goal is to continue to grow as a financial services audit professional and demonstrate the breadth of your financial services knowledge, the CFSA designation is for you.

Certified Government Auditing Professional® (CGAP®)

The CGAP certification program is designed especially for auditors working in the public sector at all levels – federal/national, state/provincial, local, quasi-governmental, or crown authority — and is an excellent professional credential that prepares you for the many challenges you face in this demanding arena.

Certification in Risk Management Assurance® (CRMA®)

The CRMA is a mark of professional distinction for internal audit practitioners. Earning the CRMA will assist you in demonstrating your ability to provide assurance on core business processes in risk management and governance, educate management and the audit committee on risk and risk management concepts, focus on strategic organizational risks, and add value for your organization.

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