
IIA Latvia
annual international conference 2022
“The future started yesterday”

About conference

Join us for the annual IIA Latvia conference October 19 - 21, 2022 ! 


Every year IIA Latvia organizes an international conference for internal auditors, risk managers and other professionals. The conference will cover topics like internal control, corporate governance, sustainability, the impact of technology on internal audit and the latest trends relevant to the audit field.  IIA Latvia has invited highly qualified, professional lecturers who are experts in their field and who will provide the conference participants with actual and useful information.


By joining in the conference, you will improve your knowledge and get up-to-date information on internal audit and related areas. You will also have the opportunity to evaluate how current skills, actions, choices and decisions will affect the future of the profession.


October 19 - 20 conference program is available below. 


On October 21 the Ministry of Finance of Latvia in close cooperation with the Institute of Internal Auditors of Latvia, will remotely organize the conference “Developed management and internal audit in the public sector”, Conference Agenda is available HEREParticipation in the Conference is free, as it is financed by the EU Structural Reform Support Programme. Registration for the 3rd Conference day is available herehttps://konference.fm.gov.lv/


3 rd conference day target Audience – State secretaries of the ministries, Heads of the institutions, Heads of local governments and their deputies, middle level managers, internal auditors of the state administration, state-owned enterprises, local governments and the private sector and others interested.


The conference will be held virtually via ZOOM application. The working language is English and Latvian with simultaneous translation. Please keep in mind there can be changes due to unexpected circumstances.


Expand Your professional network and enhance Your knowledge in fields related to internal audit!


Why should You attend?


Insights and best practices on hot topics from local and foreign experts.


Opportunity to discuss and share best practices with the speakers and colleagues.



Receive 13 continuous professional education hours (CPE)


Sara I.James PhD, CIA Owner, Getting Words to WorkTM
Iveta Reihnolde, Dr.sc.pol., CMC, Conference Moderator
Agnese Bobovica Master’s Degree of Laws, CIPP/E, Certified Data Protection Specialist
Andris Grafs Vice president of Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance, BICG Latvia Manager
Edvards Kusners Advisor to the Council of the Bank of Latvia, Head of the Sustainability of the Bank of Latvia
Lolita Stasane Head of Communication and Sustainability at Swedbank Latvia
Nata Lasmane Director of the EU Funds Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance
Marc Eulerich Prof. Dr. , CIA is professor for Internal Auditing at the Mercator School of Management, University Duisburg-Essen, since 2011.
Lauma Jokste Lecturer, Researcher, IT Project Manager (Riga Technical University)
Gemma Aiolfi Head of Compliance, Corporate Governance and Collective Action, Basel Institute on Governance
Nathalie Berger Director for Support to Member States’ reforms, Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support, European Commission
Pilar Ormijana Senior Policy Adviser – PIFC area in SIGMA
Dr.oec. Kārlis Ketners Director of the Budget Policy Development Department of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Latvia
Gita Mežupa Head of Internal Audit Policy Planning Unit, Internal Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Latvia
Linda Sīle Head of Internal Audit of SIA Latvijas Mobilais Telefons
Dr. Iris Eliisa Rauskala Rector at Ludwigsburg University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Finance, Republic of Austria
Dr. Andreas Berger Chief Audit Executive of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Republic of Austria
Markus Erlmoser Deputy Chief Audit Executive of the Federal Ministry of Finance, Republic of Austria
Kristīne Greitāne Director of the Internal Audit Department of the Ministry of Justice, Republic of Latvi
Ingūna Trūle Director of the Internal Audit Department of the Ministry of Welfare, Republic of Latvia
Elīna Gabranova Deputy Head of Internal Audit Policy Planning Unit, Internal Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Latvia
Gita Sirmā Head of Internal Audit Unit of the Ministry of Transport and Deputy CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Republic of Latvia
Gitāna Dāvidsone Leading Expert of Competencies, Organization Development Academy, Republic of Latvia
Thomas Schwalb CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Republic of Austria
Baiba Bane State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Latvia
Anda Krauze Chairman of the board of IIA Latvia , Riga International Airport Risk Manager
Leo Asmanis Latvenergo AS Internal Audit Director
Laura Graudina Attache at European Court of Auditors


Day 119. October
Day 220. October
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:10
Opening speech by President & CEO of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), Anthony J. Pugliese and Chairman of the board of IIA Latvia Ms. Anda Krauze
10:10 - 11:00
Andris Grafs
Corporate governance - a long-term success of the organization

During the lecture we will discuss both the challenges of corporate governance and the signals of bad governance, as well as the motivation of companies and organizations to implement corporate governance principles.

We will also discuss how to promote cooperation and interaction between important "players" in the corporate governance structure - shareholders, supervisory board, management board, management team, internal auditor - to achieve strategic goals.

11:00 - 12:00
Gemma Aiolfi
Modern trends in corruption and fraud prevention
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:00 - 14:00
Edvards Kusners
The essence and the most important directions of sustainability

The lecture will provide a brief insight into the modern understanding of the concept of sustainability. A series of questions will be discussed that reflect problems and solutions with the so-called "sustainability metrics".

14:00 - 15:00
Laura Graudina
Typical errors of EU fund expenditure

In the first part lecturer will focus on the most typical errors the auditors of European Court of Auditors have been finding in EU-funded projects for years.

The lecturer will devote the second part to the problems of budget and financial management as several decisions mark a truly historic change in EU finances and in the following years (2021-2027) EU will be able to spend EUR 1.8 trillion which is the greatest amount ever. Therefore, proper and efficient management of EU finances will become even more important. This means greater responsibility both for the Commission and the Member States and also for European Court of Auditors.

15:00 - 15:45
Agnese Bobovica
Supply chain attacks

Why break in through a locked door when you can get in through an open window? Lecture will cover problematic issues related to supply chain attacks and possible solutions to mitigate the risks.

15:45 - 16:00
Day 1 closing remarks
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
Day 2 opening remarks
10:05 - 11:00
Lauma Jokste
Agile Auditing
  • Agile manifesto, values and principles ;
  • Agile auditing: implementation of Agile values and principles in the auditing process (short-term planning, iterative auditing process, regular involvement of stakeholders, focus on the most valuable tasks, etc.)
11:00 - 12:00
Marc Eulerich
The Impact of Digitalization on Internal Audit and Cybersecurity
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:00 - 14:00
Nata Lasmane
EU Recovery fund control challenges

The European Commission's idea for a new form of support, or NextGenEU, requires reliance on national controls. Member States will be able to use their traditional control systems and not waste resources to create a specific system strictly dictated by the European Commission, as was the case until now. It sounds very encouraging, but in a situation where the management and control system is weak or not structured, sufficiently described and transparent, it can lead to rather unpleasant consequences.

The lecture will present the view of the auditors of the Recovery Fund on the new challenges.

14:00 - 15:00
Sara I.James
Audit communications: what's new and what's next ?

Drawing on her global experience in internal audit communications, Sara will discuss recent changes in practice across the world. What should internal auditors focus on to prompt meaningful change in their organizations? And what myths or outdated habits can they discard? As you will see in this brief yet interactive session, less is usually more. 

15:00 - 15:45
Lolita Stasane
How to communicate complicated messages?

What is effective communication and how to use it in your everyday life? How do different audiences perceive messages and why is it important to prepare? What are the most common mistakes in communication and how to use arguments wisely in conversations?

15:45 - 16:00
Conference closing remarks


Member ticket
without VAT € 78.51
  • Participation in the conference
  • Translation to English
  • CPE
  • Free participation on the third (21st October) conference day
Non-member ticket
without VAT € 119.83
  • Participation in the conference
  • Translation to English
  • CPE
  • Free participation on the third (21st October) conference day
  • Multiple tickets can be purchased in one checkout and under one Purchase Order number. We offer 15% discount for 3 and more participants from one company. In order to get discount , please inform us by sending an e-mail  message to iai@iai.lv ;

  • member prices are applicable only to IIA Latvia members ;

  • invoice will be issued and  sent to your email after completion of registration.




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